To add observations the first thing you have to do is add a video to the Header. If you are reporting from collected video (the Video button will be selected above the video screen) you select the Header and then click on Open (below the video screen). Navigate to where your videos are located and open the correct video. This will then attach to the selected active header. An alternative method is not to create a Section Header but just select Save to Placeholder. This will save a video to an empty section. Then you can fill in the section header detail afterwards.
Of course the other option is to add observations from a live recording. In this scenario the Live button above the video screen should be active and a Header should be created first and then the Record button pressed.
When a video is attached to a Header a tick will be seen to indicate this. Clicking on any Header with a video attached will show the first frame of the video and the video will be able to be played.
In both cases once the video is playing the user will pause the video as and when an observation is seen. They will then click on the Add Observation button, which will open an Observation Input modal. This provides all the observation and defect codes used in the domestic and light commercial standard as agreed with the Water Research Centre. Users can either select the relevant description or type the code into the Code box and pressing Enter. When this is done the relevant attributes for that code will be highlighted in green. The Video Reference will be populated automatically as will the Distance field if the distance is being relayed by an encoder. (AI automation coming soon on distance and observations). If there are a numbe rof observations in the same area then the user can click Next New Observation.
When the Observation is Saved, the observation is shown in the Observation List and the image that was captured when the New Observation was clicked will be added to the Obersvation. A tick will indicate an image is attached and clicking the observation will reveal the attached image.